
How can I find the first difference between two strings in Python?

Let's say I have:

a = 'abcde'
b = 'ab34e'

How can I get printed out that the difference in a is c,d and in b is 3,4? Also would it be possible to also the get the index of those?

I know I should use difflib, but the furthest I've got is with this overly complex code from this website:

and it doesn't even do what I want to do. Thank you in advance.


  • Something like this?

    a = "abcde"
    b = "ab2de"
    for index, char in enumerate(a):
        if not b[index] == char:
            print(f"First mismatch on index {index}: {char} is not {b[index]}")

    Would print: First mismatch on index 2: c is not 2

    Another possibility would be to create a list of 3-way-tuples, where the first element would be the index, the second element would be the char in a and the third element would be the char in b:

    a = "abcde"
    b = "ab23e"
    print([(index, char, b[index]) for index, char in enumerate(a) if not b[index] == char])

    Would result in [(2, 'c', '2'), (3, 'd', '3')]