
Dafny cannot prove that 'a^2<=b^2*c^2' implies 'a<=b*c' for reals greater than 0

I want to test the following property in Dafny: a^2<=b^2*c^2 implies a<=b*c. It automatically checks this for (positive) integer numbers:

lemma powersVSsquares_integers(a:int, b:int, c:int)
   requires a>=0 && b>=0 && c>= 0
   ensures (a*a <= b*b*c*c) ==> (a<=b*c)

Now, I want to test this for real numbers, so I try:

lemma powersVSsquares_reals(a:real, b:real, c:real)
   requires a>=0.0 && b>=0.0 && c>=0.0
   ensures (a*a <= b*b*c*c) ==> (a<=b*c)

But Dafny cannot prove this. Thus, I start with the case where a>=1.0 & b>=1.0 & c>=1.0:

lemma powersVSsquares_reals1(a:real, b:real, c:real)
   requires (a>=1.0 && b>=1.0 && c>=1.0)
   ensures (a*a <= b*b*c*c) ==> (a<=b*c)
     assert a <= (b*b*c*c)/a;

But not even assert a <= (b*b*c*c)/a; can be proven. So I have no idea on how to deal with this prove.

Can anyone provide lemma powersVSsquares_reals proven in Dafny? Can this be done without defining a symbolic square root function?


  • I think you will need some axioms of the reals that are not readily available in Dafny.

    lemma increase(a: real, b: real, x: real)
      requires x > 0.0
      requires a > b
      ensures a * x > b * x
    lemma zero(a: real)
      requires a*a == 0.0
      ensures a == 0.0
      if a != 0.0 {
        if a > 0.0 {
          increase(a, 0.0, a);
          assert false;
        } else if a < 0.0 {
          increase(-a, 0.0, -a);
          assert false;

    Then you can use these axioms to do a regular proof. Here I choose the style of a proof by contradiction

    lemma powersVSsquares_reals(a:real, b:real, c:real)
       requires a>=0.0 && b>=0.0 && c>=0.0
       ensures (a*a <= (b*b)*(c*c)) ==> (a<=b*c)
      if a*a <= (b*b)*(c*c) {
        if a == 0.0 {
        if b == 0.0 || c == 0.0 {
        assert a*a <= (b*c)*(b*c);
        if a > (b*c) {
          assert b * c > 0.0;
          increase(a, b*c, b*c);
          assert a * (b*c) > (b * c) * (b*c);
          assert a > 0.0;
          increase(a, b*c, a);
          assert a * a > (b * c) * a;
          assert a * a > (b * c) * (b*c);
          assert false;
        assert a<=b*c;