
Cannot prove in Dafny that f(a,b)=f(b,a)

I m trying to prove in Dafny that a function is symmetric: i.e., f(a,b)=f(b,a). I specify this Dafny by doing ensures f(a,b) == f(b,a). However, it is not able to verify; but what I do not understand is that I get the following message: cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause.

Since explaining my function f would be too verbose, I simply show the following dummy function:

function method dummy(a:real, b:real):real
   ensures dummy(a,b) == dummy(b,a)

For which I receive the same message.

What am I doing wrong?


  • Functions are opaque within their own ensures clause, to avoid infinite recursion. For example, Dafny rejects this:

    function method dummy(x: int): int
      ensures dummy(0) == 4

    Instead, you should use a lemma:

    function method dummy(a:real, b:real): real {
    lemma DummySymmetric(a:real, b:real)
      ensures dummy(a, b) == dummy(b, a)

    If you really want to get the symmetry for free without having to call a lemma, you can wrap dummy into another function:

    function method dummy(a:real, b:real): real {
    function method dummyWithLemma(a:real, b:real): (r: real)
      ensures r == dummy(b, a)
      // ensures dummyWithLemma(a, b) == dummy(b, a) // Also OK
      dummy(a, b)