
Difference between onsubmit and onclick in react as props

I am new to react and javascript.I want to do authetication part in my web.i want test whether the status change on my parent component after onsubmit the form which i have set one button and one form in the child component with the same function.But only button using the conclick works.

My children component is here using props (index.js):

const [loginStatus, setLoginStatus] = useState(false);

 function handlelogout() {
  console.log("logged out");

const login=()=>{console.log("loginstatus"+loginStatus)
    <Layout  loginstatus={loginStatus} // <-- boolean true/false
  logout={handlelogout}  />
      <Route path="/" /> 
      <Route index element={<App />}/>
      <Route path="login" element={<Login   login={login } />}/>
      <Route path="register" element={<Register />}/>

my children component (login.js):

return (
    <><div className='Registerform'>
        <h3>Login Form</h3><br></br>
        <Form onSubmit={props.login} > //<--this fail
            <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="formBasicName">
                <Form.Control type="username" placeholder="Enter your username" />


            <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="formBasicPassword">
                <Form.Control type="password" placeholder="Password" />


            <Button variant="primary" type="submit">
        <Button onClick={props.login} variant="primary">Primary</Button> </> //<--- this works fine

layout part:

const loginStatus=props.loginstatus

  console.log("layout: "+loginStatus)

In my console log,when clicking button(work case):

layout: true
layout: true

when clicking form:


(console refresh automatically)

layout=true is what i expected as an ideal.But i dont know why the console refresh in onsubmit by form and change the loginstate at the layout.but with the same function as the boton.May anyone know the reason behind these?


  • When you submit the form with a button, if you don't disable the default action, the page will refresh itself. I think the error you are experiencing is caused by this.

    The onClick property just executes the function.onSubmit submits a form. Technically, it tends to send the form to the server and refreshes the page to catch the response from the server. Here, I think it will be enough for you to disable this action by default and call your own function.

    in your login.js

    function onSubmitHandler(event){
        event.preventDefault(); // disables the default submit action
        props.login(); // your login function that works fine.
    <Form onSubmit={onSubmitHandler} > // <-- Only changed here...
        <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="formBasicName">
            <Form.Control type="username" placeholder="Enter your username" />

    Try this.