I have an amount of tokens I want to burn in a web3 project. this amount is 0.29806008728157019
I want to pass this amount to web3.utils.toBN(Math.trunc(amount * 1000000000000000000));
as it is without changing it . the problem that I can't pass it as String and when I parse it using ParsFloat
it becomes 0.2980600872815702
and this is a problem because I want exactly the same float.
I tried to use toFixed(17)
and toPrecision(17)
but they change the float to string and the same problem occurs.
So how I can pass it as a float without changing it?
The BigNumber library requires integers. Therefore, you need to use a BigDecimal library to perform the multiplication.
Then you would do:
let bn = web3.utils.toBN((new bigDecimal("0.29806008728157019"))
.multiply(new bigDecimal("1000000000000000000"))