I'm trying to use Nivo charts with typescript and I'm not sure how to define the type of data Nivo expects for their Bar Chart. (https://Nivo.Rocks)
I've been trying to use
{[Key: string]: string;}
Record<string, string>
A snippet of example data from Nivo is as folllows:
data = [
country: 'AD',
'hot dog': 111,
'hot dogColor': 'hsl(168, 70%, 50%)',
burger: 19,
burgerColor: 'hsl(123, 70%, 50%)',
sandwich: 161,
sandwichColor: 'hsl(91, 70%, 50%)',
kebab: 199,
kebabColor: 'hsl(347, 70%, 50%)',
fries: 153,
friesColor: 'hsl(346, 70%, 50%)',
donut: 41,
donutColor: 'hsl(96, 70%, 50%)',
I attempted things similar to this...
export type NivoBarData = {
[Key: string]: string;
[Key: string]: number;
nodeKeyValue?: NivoBarNodeValue;
nodeColor?: NivoBarNodeColor;
export type NivoBarTitle = Record<string, string>;
export type NivoBarNodeColor = { [Key: string]: string };
export type NivoBarNodeValue = { [Key: string]: number };
You could improve the type by adding in the association of keys ending with Color
to strings that represent colors using an intersection and template literal types:
type NivoDatum = {
[key: `${string}Color`]: string;
} & {
[key: string]: string | number;
Then it'll correctly error on incorrect types:
const datum: NivoDatum = {
donut: 41, // ok since it's not a color
donutColor: 111111, // not a string
Maybe I'll make a PR or open an issue about this later?