
Quarkus Mutiny Uni/Multi wait for the request response to finish

I can't find a correct solution to this problem and I'm stuck. Let's say I have this method

    public Uni<List<String>> testingMutiny() {
        List<String> completeList = new ArrayList<>();

        List<String> finalList = new ArrayList<>();

        completeList.forEach(e -> Uni.createFrom().item(e)
                .map(value -> finalList.add(value.toUpperCase()))

        return Uni.createFrom().item(finalList);

As you see the method is simple it just takes the values from 1 list and adds them to the second one but what's the problem? When you add the waiting .onItem().delayIt().by(Duration.ofMillis(10000)) the program will return an empty list and after a while, it will just update the list. I created this method to simulate a request that the response that has some delay in it.

Let's say you hit 2 URLs with 2 different Unis after that you try to combine them and return it as one Uni. The problem is if one of those 2 URLs delay for some reason we will return the list empty but I don't want that to happen I either want the list to be completed 100% or return an error if it takes a while.

What is the best approach to that? I understand that if you add await() you are blocking the main thread and you lose all the value of using the reactive library but still, I can't find a way for this to work


I have found out that the external URL I try to call takes about 5 seconds to do the job so I want my code to stop when creating the Uni and continue after I have received an answer from the server. I have seen in their docs (here) That I can also call await.indefinitely but I receive The current thread cannot be blocked: vert.x-eventloop-thread-14. How do I wait for a response from the server?


I understand that with strings it doesn't make sense my question so much so let's say I have the following one

    public Uni<List<Car>> testingMutiny() {


            Uni<List<JsonObjectCar>> carDoorsUni = getDoors(variable1,
                    variable2, variable3);

            Uni<List<JsonObjectCar>> carWheelsUni = getWheels(variable1,
                    variable2, variable3);

            Uni<List<JsonObjectCar>> carWindowsUni = getWindows(variable1,
                    variable2, variable3);

                    .unis(carDoorsUni, carWheelsUni, carWindowsUni)
                    .combinedWith((carDoors, carWheels, carWindows) -> {
                        //Check if cardoors is present and set the doors into the car object
                                .ifPresent(val -> car.setDoors(val.getDoors()));
                                .ifPresent(val -> car.setWheels(val.getWheels()));
                                .ifPresent(val -> car.setWindows(val.getWindows()));

                        return car;
                    }).subscribe().with(e-> System.out.println("Okay it worked"));
          //END OF FOR EACH 
            //Return car (Should have been returned with new doors / wheels/ windows but instead its empty)
        return Uni.createFrom().item(car);


As you see in the above code It should have hit some endpoints for doors / wheels / windows and set them into the variable car but what happens, in reality, is that the car is empty because one of those endpoints has been delayed so i return a car without those values inside it. I want to first update the car object and then actually return it


  • You could rewrite the method like this:

        public Uni<List<String>> testingMutiny() {
            List<Uni<String>> unis = new ArrayList<>();
            List.of("hello", "RestEasy").forEach( e -> {
                unis.add( Uni.createFrom().item( e )
                    .onItem().delayIt().by( Duration.ofMillis( 10000 ) ) );
            } );
            return Uni.combine().all().unis( unis )
                    .combinedWith( list -> (List<String>) list);

    Note that when you write reactive code, you want to avoid using .await().indefinetly. It shouldn't be needed anyway when using Quarkus, because it recognizes async API and interpret the results accordingly.

    You also don't need to subscribe the Uni or Multi when using Quarkus, for the same reason.

    Based on my previous example, you can rewrite your use case with endpoints as:

        public Uni<Car> testingMutiny() {
                Uni<List<JsonObjectCar>> carDoorsUni = getDoors(variable1, variable2, variable3);
                Uni<List<JsonObjectCar>> carWheelsUni = getWheels(variable1,variable2, variable3);
                Uni<List<JsonObjectCar>> carWindowsUni = getWindows(variable1,variable2, variable3);
                return Uni.combine()
                        .unis(carDoorsUni, carWheelsUni, carWindowsUni)
                        .combinedWith(list -> {
                            // Result of carDoorsUni
                            List<JsonObjectCar> carDoors = list.get(0);
                            // Result of carWheelsUni
                            List<JsonObjectCar> carWheels = list.get(1);
                            // Result of carWindowsUni
                            List<JsonObjectCar> carWindows = list.get(2);
                            // Create a car instance with the previous results
                            Car car = createCar(...);
                            // You can also return a list of cars, but you need to change the return type of testingMutiny to Uni<List<Car>>
                            return car;
                        .invoke( () -> System.out.println("Okay it worked"));