
How can I debug the typescript react demo app in chrome?

It's very simple to debug a typescript app in chrome debugger. You setup the tsconfig.json:

"sourceMap": true,

than install ts-node + set a breakpoint in your ts code with "debugger;"

After start my app with

node --inspect -r ts-node/register ./src/my_app.ts

and now I'm in the chrome debugger.

How work this on the react typescript demo project???

npx create-react-app@next webclient --template typescript


  • npx create-react-app@next webclient --template typescript

    webclient/tsconfig.json add

    "compilerOptions": {
        "sourceMap": true,

    run at webclient dir

    npm start

    app is open at http://localhost:3000

    open chrome developer tools with contextmenu of page 'inspect'

    choose "sources" tab and look there on "Page" tab on left side

    open under "localhost:3000" your local "src" dir

    now open App.tsx

    You see the source of demo code and you can here set breakpoints.

    All changes on your code are hot deployed for easy development.

    For firefox take the same way! Here you take the "Debugger" tab!

    You can use this debugging way for every react app!