I have a string that (potentially) contains HTML tags.
I want to split it into smaller valid HTML strings based on (text) character length. The use case is essentially pagination. I know the length of text that can fit on a single page. So I want to divide the target string into "chunks" or pages based on that character length. But I need each of the resulting pages to contain valid HTML without unclosed tags, etc.
So for example:
const pageCharacterSize = 10
const testString = 'some <strong>text with HTML</strong> tags
function paginate(string, pageSize) { //@TODO }
const pages = paginate(testString, pageCharacterSize)
// ['some <strong>text </strong>', '<strong>with HTML</strong> ', 'tags']
I think this is possible to do with a DocumentFragment or Range but I can't figure out how slice the pages based on character offsets.
This MDN page has a demo that does something close to what I need. But it uses caretPositionFromPoint()
which takes X
, Y
coordinates as arguments.
For the purposes of clarity, here are the tests I'm working with:
import { expect, test } from 'vitest'
import paginate from './paginate'
// 1
test('it should chunk plain text', () => {
// a
const testString = 'aa bb cc dd ee';
const expected = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd', 'ee']
expect(paginate(testString, 2)).toStrictEqual(expected)
// b
const testString2 = 'a a b b c c';
const expected2 = ['a a', 'b b', 'c c']
expect(paginate(testString2, 3)).toStrictEqual(expected2)
// c
const testString3 = 'aa aa bb bb cc cc';
const expected3 = ['aa aa', 'bb bb', 'cc cc']
expect(paginate(testString3, 5)).toStrictEqual(expected3)
// d
const testString4 = 'aa bb cc';
const expected4 = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']
expect(paginate(testString4, 4)).toStrictEqual(expected4)
// e
const testString5 = 'a b c d e f g';
const expected5 = ['a b c', 'd e f', 'g']
expect(paginate(testString5, 5)).toStrictEqual(expected5)
// f
const testString6 = 'aa bb cc';
const expected6 = ['aa bb', 'cc']
expect(paginate(testString6, 7)).toStrictEqual(expected6)
// 2
test('it should chunk an HTML string without stranding tags', () => {
const testString = 'aa <strong>bb</strong> <em>cc dd</em>';
const expected = ['aa', '<strong>bb</strong>', '<em>cc</em>', '<em>dd</em>']
expect(paginate(testString, 3)).toStrictEqual(expected)
// 3
test('it should handle tags that straddle pages', () => {
const testString = '<strong>aa bb cc</strong>';
const expected = ['<strong>aa</strong>', '<strong>bb</strong>', '<strong>cc</strong>']
expect(paginate(testString, 2)).toStrictEqual(expected)
Here is a solution that assumes and supports the following:
<b><i>wrong nesting</b></i>
, missing <b>end tag
, missing start</b> tag
function paginate(html, pageSize) {
let splitRegex = new RegExp('\\s*[\\s\\S]{1,' + pageSize + '}(?!\\S)', 'g');
let tagsInfo = []; // saved tags
let tagOffset = 0; // running offset of tag in plain text
let pageOffset = 0; // page offset in plain text
let openTags = []; // open tags carried over to next page
let pages = html.replace(/<\/?[a-z][a-z0-9]*>/gi, (tag, pos) => {
let obj = { tag: tag, pos: pos - tagOffset };
tagOffset += tag.length;
return '';
}).match(splitRegex).map(page => {
let nextOffset = pageOffset + page.length;
let prefix = openTags.join('');
tagsInfo.slice().reverse().forEach(obj => {
if(obj.pos >= pageOffset && obj.pos < nextOffset) {
// restore tags in reverse order to maintain proper position
page = page.substring(0, obj.pos - pageOffset) + obj.tag + page.substring(obj.pos - pageOffset);
tagsInfo.forEach(obj => {
let tag = obj.tag;
if(obj.pos >= pageOffset && obj.pos < nextOffset) {
if(tag.match(/<\//)) {
// remove tag from openTags list
tag = tag.replace(/<\//, '<');
let index = openTags.indexOf(tag);
if(index >= 0) {
openTags.splice(index, 1);
} else {
// add tag to openTags list
pageOffset = nextOffset;
let postfix = openTags.slice().reverse().map(tag => tag.replace(/</, '</')).join('');
page = prefix + page.trim() + postfix;
return page.replace(/<(\w+)><\/\1>/g, ''); // remove tags with empty content
return pages;
{ str: 'some <strong>text <i>with</i> HTML</strong> tags, and <i>some <b>nested tags</b> sould be <b>supported</b> as well</i>.', size: 16 },
{ str: 'a a b b c c', size: 3 },
{ str: 'aa aa bb bb cc cc', size: 5 },
{ str: 'aa bb cc', size: 4 },
{ str: 'aa <strong>bb</strong> <em>cc dd</em>', size: 3 },
{ str: '<strong>aa bb cc</strong>', size: 2 }
].forEach(o => {
let pages = paginate(o.str, o.size);
"some <strong>text <i>with</i></strong>",
"<strong> HTML</strong> tags, and",
"<i>some <b>nested tags</b></i>",
"<i> sould be</i>",
"<i><b>supported</b> as</i>",
"a a",
"b b",
"c c"
"aa aa",
"bb bb",
"cc cc"
" <em>cc</em>",
Based on new request in comment I fixed the split regex from '[\\s\\S]{1,' + pageSize + '}(?!\\S)'
to '\\s*[\\s\\S]{1,' + pageSize + '}(?!\\S)'
, e.g. added \\s*
to catch leading spaces. I also added a page.trim()
to remove leading spaces. Finally I added a few of the OP examples.