I am accustomed to using the "@" character in Vue 3 so the location will still be referenced after Vite build, as in the following example:
<img src="@/assets/picture.jpg" />
With custom components from UI Frameworks, I can't figure out how to reference my images anymore! The "@" no longer works, since it is rendering out the custom component.
Element Plus example:
<el-image src="@/assets/picture.jpg" />
I tried using various permutations without the "@" sign. I couldn't readily find the answer in Vue 3 docs or docs for Element Plus or Chakra UI frameworks, and it is a hard question to search for here.
Okay, I found out how this can work, but it's hardly a solution
<script setup>
import imageUrl from "@/assets/picture.jpg";
<el-image :src="imageUrl" />