This is the code:
reset session
$Data <<EOD
subject 2018/19 2021/22
M 31.46 28.96 -2.5
It 34.83 36.61 +1.8
In 33.71 33.33 -0.4
G 63.79 77.46 +13.7
P 92.86 56.52 -36.3
PS 67.86 60.87 -7.0
A 21.05 65.00 +43.9
D 53.33 54.35 +1.0
set term svg
set output "prova.svg"
set title "{/Arial:Bold=14 MEAN}\n {/Arial:Bold=14 2018/19 vs 2021/2022}"
set yrange [0:100]
set ytics (0, '10' 10, '20' 20, '30' 30,'40' 40, '50' 50,'60' 60, '70' 70,'80' 80, '90' 90,'100' 100)
set grid y
set ylabel "% TOT" font ',14'
set tics scale 0
set tics font ',14'
set style fill pattern 1 border lt -1
set boxwidth 1 absolute
set key noautotitle
set key font ',14'
set xzeroaxis ls 1 lc "black"
PosX(row,col) = 0
#myColors = "red orange yellow green cyan blue violet deeppink"
myColors = "0xff0000 0xffa500 0xffff00 0x80ff00 0x00ffff 0x0000ff 0x7f00ff 0xff1493"
myColor(i) = int(word(myColors,int(i+1)))
stats $Data u 0 nooutput # get number of columns
N = STATS_columns
plot for [col=2:N] $Data u ($0*N+col):col:(myColor($0)) skip 1 w boxes lc rgb var, \
for [col=2:N] '' u ($0*N+N/2.+1):(NaN):xtic(1) w boxes fill pattern col -1 lc "grey" ti columnheader(col),\
col=2 '' u ($0*N+col-3):col:(sprintf("%2.1f%%",$2)) with labels center offset 0, character 0.5 font ',9' notitle,\
col=3 '' u ($0*N+col-3):col:(sprintf("%+-.1f%%",$4)) with labels center offset 0, character 0.5 font ',9' tc lt 7 notitle
#END code
I want to try to increase the width of the bins (of the same size without overlap) in each bin cluster and increase the white gap beetwen the clusters to increase the size of the labels on top of the bins
Here is the slightly modified script:
set ytics 10
(check help xtics
, i.e. N=STATS_columns-1
since the last column will not be used for plotting bars.PosX()
for the x-position of the bar and the labels. Use the variable Gap
to tune the gap (Gap=0
no gap).help ternary
) to define a color which depends on the value. And apply the color via tc rgb var
(check help lc variable
).The script certainly can be further optimized.
### grouped bar chart with adjustable gaps
reset session
$Data <<EOD
subject 2018/19 2021/22 change
M 31.46 28.96 -2.5
It 34.83 36.61 +1.8
In 33.71 33.33 -0.4
G 63.79 77.46 +13.7
P 92.86 56.52 -36.3
PS 67.86 60.87 -7.0
A 21.05 65.00 +43.9
D 53.33 54.35 +1.0
set title "{/Arial:Bold=14 MEAN}\n {/Arial:Bold=14 2018/19 vs 2021/2022}"
set xrange[1:]
set ylabel "% TOT" font ',14'
set yrange [0:100]
set ytics 10
set grid y
set tics scale 0
set tics font ',14'
set style fill pattern 1 border lt -1
set boxwidth 1 absolute
set key noautotitle font ',14'
#myColors = "red orange yellow green cyan blue violet deeppink"
myColors = "0xff0000 0xffa500 0xffff00 0x80ff00 0x00ffff 0x0000ff 0x7f00ff 0xff1493"
myColor(i) = int(word(myColors,int(i+1)))
myLabelColor(v) = v>0? 0x00aa00 : v<0 ? 0xff0000 : 0x777777 # green,red,grey
stats $Data u 0 nooutput # get number of columns
N = STATS_columns-1
Gap = 0.25
PosX(col) = (column(col))*(N-1+Gap)
set term svg
set output "SO74502026.svg"
plot for [col=2:N] $Data u (PosX(0)+col):col:(myColor($0)) skip 1 w boxes lc rgb var, \
for [col=2:N] '' u (PosX(0)+N/2.+1):(NaN):xtic(1) w boxes fill pattern col-1 lc "grey" ti columnheader(col),\
col=2 '' u (PosX(0)+col):col:(sprintf("%2.1f",$2)) skip 1 w labels center offset 0, 0.5 font ',10',\
col=3 '' u (PosX(0)+col):col:(sprintf("%+-.1f",$4)):(myLabelColor($4)) skip 1 w labels center offset 0, 0.5 font ',10' tc rgb var
set output
### end of script