I've written a PowerShell script to create a custom Boot.wim file that contains some useful utilities and custom .ps1 scripts along with the PowerShell executable. This all works just as it should. What I can't figure is how to add to the environment path variable the directory for the utilities "x:\Users\Utilities" to the Mounted Image.
Here's a code snippet from the program that shows how I manipulate the mounted image to add the utilities, etc.
$WinADK="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\" +
"Assessment and Deployment Kit" +
"\Windows Preinstallation Environment\" +
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$($WinPETemp)\Media" -force
$CIArgs = @{path = $(Join-Path $WinAdk -ChildPath "en-us\winpe.wim")
Destination = "$($WinPETemp)\Media\boot.wim"}
Copy-Item @CIArgs
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $(Join-Path $WinPETemp -ChildPath "\Mount") –Force
#----- Mount the WinPE WIM file for Editing -----
$MTArgs = @{ImagePath = $(Join-Path $($WinPETemp) -ChildPath "\Media\boot.wim")
Index = 1
path = $(Join-Path $($WinPETemp) -ChildPath "\Mount")
Try { Mount-WindowsImage @MTArgs -ErrorAction Stop}
Catch {
Get-WindowsImage -mounted |
Dismount-Windowsimage -discard
Mount-WindowsImage @MTArgs
#--- Packages List - PowerShell, Storage, and DISM cmdlets --#
$PkgList = @(
ForEach ($Pkg in $PkgList) {
$AWPArgs = @{PackagePath = "$($WinAdk)\Winpe_OCS\$($Pkg)"
Path = "$($WinPETemp)\Mount"
IgnoreCheck = $true }
Add-WindowsPackage @AWPArgs
} #End ForEach ($Pkg...
Add your modifications now...
Such as Directory for User Scripts,
Registry Modifications, specifically Powershell
Execution Policy
#--- Add User Directories ---
$UserDirectories = @("Utilities","Scripts")
ForEach ($Dir in $UserDirectories) {
$NIArgs = @{ItemType = 'Directory'
Path = "$($WinPETemp)\Mount\Users\$($Dir)"}
New-Item @NIArgs
#--- Add PowerShell Profile ---
$CIArgs = @{Path =
"G:\WinPE Include Files\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1"
Destination =
Copy-Item @CIArgs
#--- Add User Scripts to Directory ---
$Scripts = @("Get-DotNetVersionsInstalled.ps1")
ForEach ($FN in $Scripts) {
$CIArgs = @{Path = "G:\BEKDocs\Scripts\Production\$FN"
Destination = "$($WinPETemp)\Mount\Users\Scripts"}
Copy-Item @CIArgs
#--- Add Portable Pgms to the Utilities Directory ---
#--- Note: Must be 64 bit Programs no support for WOW ---
$Utilities = @("Speccy64\Speccy64.exe",
ForEach ($FN in $Utilities) {
$CIArgs = @{Path = "G:\BEKDocs\NonInstPrograms\$FN"
Destination = "$($WinPETemp)\Mount\Users\Utilities"
Recurse = $True
If (Test-Path -Path "$(($CIArgs).Path)" ) {
Copy-Item @CIArgs
Else {
"Error:" + $CIArgs.Path + " Does NOT Exist!"
#--- Mount WinPE Registry to the Local Registry for mods ---
$RegLoc = "$($WinPETemp)\Mount\Windows\System32\config\software"
reg load "HKLM\WimPE" "$RegLoc"
#--- Modify PowerShell Execution Policy in WIM Registry ---
$RegPath = "HKLM:\WimPE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds" +
$NIArgs = @{Path = $RegPath
Name = 'ExecutionPolicy'
Value = "RemoteSigned"
PropertyType = 'String'
Force = $True}
New-ItemProperty @NIArgs
reg unload "HKLM\WimPE" #--- UnMount WinPE registry ---
#----- DisMount the Modified WinPE WIM File -----
Dismount-WindowsImage -path "$($WinPETemp)\Mount" -Save
#----- Make a Backup of the Modified WIM file -----
New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory –Force
$CIArgs = @{Path = "$($WinPETemp)\Media\boot.wim"
Destination = "$($Destination)\"}
Copy-Item @CIArgs
You can put that into the image's registry, at HKLM:\SYSTEM\<ControlSet>\Control\Session Manager\Environment
"ControlSet" is usually 001 and 002. Don't use CurrentControlSet though as that is not available for offline images.