
How to vertical select text in BeyondCompare text editor?

Visual Studio 2019/2022 text editor supports vertical selection using Alt+mouse_drag but I cant seem to figure out if BeyondCompare supports this in its editor or not.

Need to edit a bunch of lines to fix indentation


  • Beyond Compare doesn't support vertical selection. It's on the feature request list for a future version but doesn't have a scheduled release date.

    Search and replace is a possible workaround.

    Example: To change two spaces of leading indentation to four spaces.

    1. Load a file in the Text Compare.
    2. Search > Replace.
    3. Click the .* button to enable regular expressions.
    4. Find what: ^ (carat followed by two spaces).
    5. Replace with: (four spaces).

    Beyond Compare also provides commands to convert whitespace: