I successfully installed aws toolkit in my visual studio code. I set all the credentials with region and the file is at .aws. In Visual Studio the aws explorer shows my profile.
But when i try to run the following code:
import boto3
import pprint as pp
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
table_name = 'Test_Dynamo'
pk = 'U-0001'
stmt = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE pk=? and begins_with(sk,'#U')"
pmt =[{ "S": pk }]
resp = dynamodb_client.execute_statement( Statement=stmt , Parameters= pmt )
I get the following Error
Unable to locate credentials
I was expecting to fetch a Item from the DynamoDB.
Im running the code in the jupyter notebook extension of Visual Studio Code and my aws account is a free tier, if this has something to do with it.
You are saying you set all the credentials with region. As far as i know, the credentials are stored in a credentials file and the region is stored in a config file. Maybe it has something to do with that, that you probably put both in the same file which causes problems, can you check?