I currently have the following server component at the route /app/account/page.tsx
const AccountPage = async () => {
const username = await getViewer();
return <AccountView username={username} />;
I expect getViewer
to be run every time there is a request. However, this is not the case. When I debug the backend code that is supposed to be hit by getViewer
, it doesn't get hit when I navigate to /account
. How can I make it so this server code runs on each request? Note that I can't use the updated fetch API in my case because I'm using a GraphQL API and urql for making requests.
Edit: The setup for my urql client and the function used by getViewer
for using my API is the following:
import { Client, TypedDocumentNode, createClient } from 'urql/core';
const query = async <
TVariables extends { [prop: string]: any } = Record<string, unknown>
queryString: string | DocumentNode | TypedDocumentNode,
}: { variables?: TVariables; client?: Client; cache?: RequestCache } = {}
) =>
await (
client ??
url: `/api/graphql`,
fetchOptions: {
cache: cache ?? 'no-store'
requestPolicy: 'network-only',
.query<TResponse>(queryString, variables)
Edit2: Adding more details for anyone trying to reproduce the issue
is as follows:
export const getViewer = async ({
}: { client?: Client; cache?: CacheType } = {}) =>
(await query<{ viewer: string }>(GET_SPELL, { client, cache })).data?.viewer;
GraphQL schema:
type Query {
viewer: String
GraphQL resolver:
const Query = {
viewer: () => {
console.log('Hitting the viewer endpoint!');
return 'Dummy username';
The GraphQL server gets run from /pages/api/graphql.ts
, which has the following code:
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-micro';
import Cors from 'micro-cors';
import schema from '../../src/graphql/server/schema';
const cors = Cors();
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false
const startServer = apolloServer.start();
export default cors(async (req, res) => {
if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') {
return false;
await startServer;
await apolloServer.createHandler({ path: '/api/graphql' })(req, res);
Next version: 13.0.5.
Urql version: 3.0.3
Hopefully this should be enough information for anyone trying to reproduce the issue.
I realized that I had a few things wrong that had nothing to do with what I thought the problem was.
First, when defining the urql client on the server, you need to have an absolute path. The path I was using, /api/graphql
, was only realtive and thus failing.
Another error I noticed is that I am using the wrong query. It should have been GET_VIEWER, but was GET_SPELL. I managed to get the expected behavior once I addressed these things.