In the Primer when you select the Del glyph (∇) it shows an example of a Double-Del (∇∇) where a dop (as I understand it, a user defined operator) can reference itself in a recursive fashion:
Double-Del Syntax: dop self-reference
pow←{ ⍝ power operator: apply ⍵⍵ times
⍵⍵=0:⍵ ⍝ ⍵⍵ is 0: finished
⍺⍺ ∇∇(⍵⍵-1)⍺⍺ ⍵ ⍝ otherwise: recurse
Can someone provide me with some examples of this particular dop in use so I can see how to utilize it? I see that a single ⍺
is not used in the body of this dop, only ⍺⍺
; does that make this a monadic dop?
I have tried a number of different ways to use this operator in an expression after it's defined and can't seem to get anything but errors or instances where it appears the body/text of the dop is in an array as text, alongside what I was trying to pass to it.
incr←{1+⍵} ⍝ define an increment function
(incr pow 3) 5 ⍝ apply it 3 times to 5
The operator has ⍵⍵
which alone makes it a dyadic operator. The lack of a single ⍺
means that, when given the two required operands, it derives a monadic function.
When an operator takes an array (as opposed to a function) operand adjacent to an argument, it is crucial to separate the operand from the argument. This can be done in any of three ways:
add3←incr pow 3 add3 5
(incr pow 3) 5
is used): incr pow 3 ⊢ 5
Failing this, the intended operand and argument will strand to a single array, which then becomes the operand, leaving the derived function with no argument that it can apply to:
incr pow (3 5)
The result is therefore the derived function; the text source you see reported.