
How does one create a cube with Julia and Makie?

The following Julia program uses Makie to create the image shown below, a "cube with holes." However, I would like to eliminate the holes, and also make the cube nearer the shape of an actual cube, with only slightly rounded corners and edges. I've tried changing the exponent to values other than ^2 and also passing the range directly to the volume! function, to no avail. Examples of the types of cubes desired can be found in three-rounded-box images at CodeSandbox.

using Makie, GLMakie
fig = Figure()
range = LinRange(-1, 1, 100) # 100-element LinRange{Float64, Int64}
cube = [ (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2) for x = range, y = range, z = range ] # 100×100×100 Array{Float64, 3}
ax = Axis3( fig[1,1], aspect = :data, azimuth = 1.17 * pi, viewmode = :fit, title = "Cube" )
volume!( cube, algorithm = :iso, isorange = 0.05, isovalue = 1.7 )

A Cube with Holes


  • Like this?

    using Makie, GLMakie
    fig = Figure()
    range = LinRange(-1, 1, 100) # 100-element LinRange{Float64, Int64}
    cube = [ (abs.(x).^10 + abs.(y).^10 + abs.(z).^10) for x = range, y = range, z = range ] # 100×100×100 Array{Float64, 3}
    ax = Axis3( fig[1,1], aspect = :data, azimuth = 1.17 * pi, viewmode = :fit, title = "Cube" )
    volume!( cube, algorithm = :iso, isorange = 0.05, isovalue = 1 )

    enter image description here

    Or you can use a parametric surface, a supershape:

    using Makie, GLMakie
    function r(phi; a, b, m, n1, n2, n3)
        return 1 / (abs(cos(m*phi/4)/a)^n2 + (abs(sin(m*phi/4)/b)^n3))^(1/n1) 
    phi = (-pi/2):0.01:(pi/2)
    theta = (-pi):0.01:(pi)
    x = [
        r(theta; a=1, b=1, m=4, n1=10, n2=10, n3=10) * cos(theta) *
        r(phi;   a=1, b=1, m=4, n1=10, n2=10, n3=10) * cos(phi) 
        for phi in phi, theta in theta
    y = [
        r(theta; a=1, b=1, m=4, n1=10, n2=10, n3=10) * sin(theta) *
        r(phi;   a=1, b=1, m=4, n1=10, n2=10, n3=10) * cos(phi) 
        for phi in phi, theta in theta
    z = [
        r(phi;   a=1, b=1, m=4, n1=10, n2=10, n3=10) * sin(phi) 
        for phi in phi, theta in theta
    fig, _ = surface(x, y, z)

    enter image description here

    Better to use a function:

    function r(phi; a, b, m, n1, n2, n3)
        return 1 / (abs(cos(m*phi/4)/a)^n2 + (abs(sin(m*phi/4)/b)^n3))^(1/n1) 
    function supershape(p1, p2)
        phi = (-pi/2):0.01:(pi/2)
        theta = (-pi):0.01:(pi)
        x = [
            r(theta; a=p1.a, b=p1.b, m=p1.m, n1=p1.n1, n2=p1.n2, n3=p1.n3) * cos(theta) *
            r(phi;   a=p2.a, b=p2.b, m=p2.m, n1=p2.n1, n2=p2.n2, n3=p2.n3) * cos(phi) 
            for phi in phi, theta in theta
        y = [
            r(theta; a=p1.a, b=p1.b, m=p1.m, n1=p1.n1, n2=p1.n2, n3=p1.n3) * sin(theta) *
            r(phi;   a=p2.a, b=p2.b, m=p2.m, n1=p2.n1, n2=p2.n2, n3=p2.n3) * cos(phi) 
            for phi in phi, theta in theta
        z = [
            r(phi;   a=p2.a, b=p2.b, m=p2.m, n1=p2.n1, n2=p2.n2, n3=p2.n3) * sin(phi) 
            for phi in phi, theta in theta
        return (x = x, y = y, z = z)
    params1 = (a=1, b=1, m=4, n1=10, n2=10, n3=10)
    params2 = params1
    x, y, z = supershape(params1, params2)
    fig, _ = surface(x, y, z)


    The rendering is not nice with surface. It's better to do a mesh:

    function parametricMesh(f, umin, umax, vmin, vmax, nu, nv)
        u_ = LinRange(umin, umax, nu)
        v_ = LinRange(vmin, vmax, nv)
        vertices = Array{Float64}(undef, nu*nv, 3)
        triangles = Array{Int64}(undef, 2*(nu-1)*(nv-1), 3)
        k = 1
        for i in 1:nv
            v = v_[i]
            for j in 1:nu
                vertices[k,:] = f(u_[j], v)
                k = k+1
        k = 1
        for i in 1:(nv-1)
            for j in 1:(nu-1)
                a = (i-1) * nu + j
                b = (i-1) * nu + j + 1
                c = i*nu + j + 1
                d = i*nu + j
                triangles[2*(k-1)+1,:] = [b, a, d]
                triangles[2*k,:] = [c, b, d]
                k = k+1
        return (vertices = vertices, triangles = triangles)
    function r(phi; a, b, m, n1, n2, n3)
        return 1 / (abs(cos(m*phi/4)/a)^n2 + (abs(sin(m*phi/4)/b)^n3))^(1/n1) 
    p1 = (a=1, b=1, m=4, n1=10, n2=10, n3=10)
    p2 = p1
    function f(phi, theta)
        x = r(theta; a=p1.a, b=p1.b, m=p1.m, n1=p1.n1, n2=p1.n2, n3=p1.n3) * cos(theta) *
            r(phi;   a=p2.a, b=p2.b, m=p2.m, n1=p2.n1, n2=p2.n2, n3=p2.n3) * cos(phi)
        y = r(theta; a=p1.a, b=p1.b, m=p1.m, n1=p1.n1, n2=p1.n2, n3=p1.n3) * sin(theta) *
            r(phi;   a=p2.a, b=p2.b, m=p2.m, n1=p2.n1, n2=p2.n2, n3=p2.n3) * cos(phi)
        z = r(phi;   a=p2.a, b=p2.b, m=p2.m, n1=p2.n1, n2=p2.n2, n3=p2.n3) * sin(phi)
        return [x, y, z]
    vertices, triangles = parametricMesh(f, -pi/2, pi/2, -pi, pi, 50, 50)
    mesh(vertices, triangles, color = "yellow")

    enter image description here