Good Day!
I am planning to add a javascript where it will remove the onclick attribute if a certain field is empty. BTW I modify my code because I use different approach on this:
First I added a after_ui_frame logic hook and call the javascript using the custom logic hook.
$randomNumber = rand();
echo '<script type = "text/javascript">
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "custom/include/CustomLogicHook/clearFields.js?v=' . $randomNumber . '";
And my custom JS
$("#btn_custom_city_c").attr("disabled", true);
$("#btn_custom_barangay_c").attr("disabled", true);
$('#dvt2_province_id_c').keyup(function() {
if ($(this).val().length !=0)
$("#btn_custom_city_c").attr("disabled", false);
$("#btn_custom_city_c").attr("disabled", true);
The disabled/enabled button works but it won`t work on relate field. This codes only works on a normal field
just incase you are working with Suite CRM I was able to implement the behavior I want on my buttons.
I added this code below:
if($('#province_c').val() == " "){
$("#btn_custom_city_c").attr('disabled', true);
$("#btn_custom_city_c").attr('disabled', false);
var inputName = "input[name='province_c']";
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.util.Selector.query(inputName), 'change',
$("#btn_custom_city_c").attr('disabled', false);
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