
Jest error: Your test suite must contain at least one test

i know that this question has already been asked elswhere, but in my case, i followed the jest best practice video from mickael guay (click to view)

But unfortunately i get the jest error, Your test suite must contain at least one test But one test is passing just after that.

enter image description here

here's my code: [...]

const mockResponse = {
  json: jest.fn(),
  status: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
} as unknown as Response<any, Record<string, any>>;

describe('UsersController', () => {
  let usersController: UsersController;
  let usersService: UsersService;
  beforeEach(async () => {
    const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
      imports: [],
      controllers: [UsersController],
      providers: [
        { provide: getModelToken(, useValue: jest.fn() },
        { provide: getModelToken(, useValue: jest.fn() },

    usersController = moduleRef.get<UsersController>(UsersController);
    usersService = moduleRef.get<UsersService>(UsersService);

  describe('findOneById', () => {
    describe('when findOneById is called', () => {
      beforeEach(async () => {
        const user: Partial<User> & Response =
          await usersController.findOneById(mockResponse, userStub().userId);
        console.log('user', user);

      it('then it should call usersService', () => {

I think maybe it's because i have a describe() nested in a describe(), that makes the first describe() waiting also for a test ? Thank you very much!


  • EDIT: figure it out when i realized that i had another old .spec file hidden in another folder. removing it solved the issue.