If you press the Upload Photo button once, the bot will send the photo 1 time. But, if u press this button more than 1 times, photo will be sent to u as many times as this button was pressed earlier. Including the number of clicks before previous photo was sent
const keyboard = {
keyboard: [
[{text: 'About Bot'}, {text: 'Upload Photo'}]
bot.onText(/\/start/, async msg => {
await bot.sendMessage(h.id(msg), `Choose any`,keyboard)
bot.on('message', msg => {
switch (msg.text){
case 'Upload Photo':
case 'About Bot':
const uploadPhoto = async (chatId) => {
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Send me a photo')
bot.on('photo', async (msg) => {
const photo = msg.photo[2].file_id
await bot.sendPhoto(channelId, photo)
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Photo is sent')
After pressing the button and sending the photo successfully, the next photo should occur only once
At the end of uploadPhoto()
insert: bot.removeAllListeners('photo')
. This should fix it.