I am getting an MissingOutputException from my snakemake workflow, snakemake creates the required output in the desired directory but keeps looking for it and exits. this is my snakefile.
rule all:
expand('/home/stud9/NAS/results/qc_reports/fastqc/trimmed_{sample}_1_fastqc.html', sample=SAMPLES),
expand('/home/stud9/NAS/results/qc_reports/fastqc/trimmed_{sample}_2_fastqc.html', sample=SAMPLES),
expand('home/stud9/NAS/results/non_aligned/{sample}_nm2cov.bam', sample=SAMPLS)
rule nm2cov:
"cd /home/stud9/NAS/results/non_aligned && samtools view -b -f 4 {input} > {wildcards.sample}_nm2cov.bam"
I have used cd before the actual cmd because I want my results there otherwise they would show in the snakefile directory.
This is the messsage I am getting:
Waiting at most 10 seconds for missing files.
MissingOutputException in rule nm2cov in line 50 of /home/stud9/NAS/scripts/wf_1:
Job Missing files after 10 seconds. This might be due to filesystem latency. If that is the case, consider to increase the wait time with --latency-wait:
home/stud9/NAS/results/non_aligned/148_nm2cov.bam completed successfully, but some output files are missing. 55
Shutting down, this might take some time.
sorry if my post is a little bit messy but this is the first time I post here
tried changing --latency-wait to 15 still no response.
A MissingOutputException
can be easily caused by typos or wrong paths for the output
In your case a preceeding /
seems to be missing, causing snakemake
to consider your output
path to be relative rather than absolute.
Try this:
rule nm2cov:
"cd /home/stud9/NAS/results/non_aligned && samtools view -b -f 4 {input} > {wildcards.sample}_nm2cov.bam"
NB: It is generally recommended to use relative paths rather than absolute paths for your Snakefile
to keep the reproducibility of your workflow.