
Using Vaadin Flow with other servlets in Jakarta EE environment

I would like to use the Vaadin Flow along with other servlets in Jakarata EE environment, but I can't to do so because Vaadin intercepts all requests to "/". I tried to add the following lines to the application.properties file as it was recommended here https://vaadin.com/forum/thread/17374548/change-url-mapping-for-vaadin-flow-and-spring:


But it seems that the application.properties file is ignored when app is deployed as a war. Is there any way to map Vaadin to "/ui/" path in this case?

To be more specific, I am using the Payara Micro 5.2022.5 and the Vaadin Flow 23.3.2.


  • The Vaadin servlet is automatically deployed to the root of the application only if there isn't any manually deployed Vaadin servlet. You can thus manually configure the com.vaadin.cdi.CdiVaadinServlet servlet for some other path in web.xml or create your own subclass with a custom mapping defined with the @WebServlet annotation.

    The description you found with configuration through application.properties is only for use with Spring.