
In my VS Code extension, how to add gutter icon with action?

I'm working on VSCode extension and need to add actions to gutter icons. Right now I'm adding gutter icon

    const documentDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
        gutterIconPath: context.asAbsolutePath('media/link.svg')
    editor.setDecorations(documentDecorationType, [
            range: new vscode.Range(new vscode.Position(document.start_line, 0), new vscode.Position(document.end_line, 0)),

How can I add an action/command to icon?


  • It doesn't look like you can add a command directly to a gutter icon. See OnClick event on Gutter and Allow clicking gutter icon: the second issue is still open.

    And see OnClick and hover events on gutter icons as mentioned in the comments by @Splines which is getting more activity than the open issue above.

    You may be able to add it as a command in a hover though (still trying to get it to work...)