I'm trying to get items from large lists using pnpjs/sp
I created a promise like this:
try {
// const sp = spfi();
const sp = spfi().using(DefaultInit(), DefaultHeaders(), BrowserFetchWithRetry(), DefaultParse());
const list = sp.web.lists.getByTitle(ListName);
const listView = await list.views.getByTitle(ViewName).select("ViewQuery")();
const xml = '<View><Query>' + listView.ViewQuery + '</Query></View>';
const items = await list.getItemsByCAMLQuery({'ViewXml' : xml});
return items;
catch (err){
return undefined;
but I can't get listView. I have this error :
TypeError: Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL
at Proxy.<anonymous> (telemetry.js:6:31)
at moments.js:54:1
at async queryable.js:101:1
when I put a break point and check for the view url it seems to be good (I can access with website url + view url ). I must do something wrong but I don't find what.
Take a look to the question comment for the answer.
my issue was to not use the spfi().using correctly :
where context is the webpart Context.