I have a URL like this :
I want to get the parameters form this path and I used:
const params = useParams()
but it returns an empty object {}
my current route is like below:
so should I define a route with parameters like below or is there a way to get multiple parameters form a url
<Route path="forget" element={<ComponentA/>}>
the above code also does not work.
<Route path="forget/reset" element={<ComponentA />} />
For ComponentA
to access the queryString params it should import and use the useSearchParams
hook exported from react-router-dom@6
import { useSearchParams } from 'react-router-dom';
const ComponentA = () => {
const [searchParams] = useSearchParams();
const type = searchParams.get("type"); // "text"
const c = searchParams.get("c"); // "$something"
const cc = searchParams.get("cc"; // "$something"