I have this piece of code where I am extracting table names from the adventureworks.bim file using a for each loop. However, I am missing something here because I required a Table name per object and not the final table in the loop. The details are as below
$BIM = "C:\Users\Desktop\adventureworks.bim"
$origmodel = (Get-Content $BIM -Raw) | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json
ForEach($table in $origmodel.Model.tables.name)
$ColumnProperty = $origmodel.Model.tables.columns | ForEach-Object {
[pscustomobject] @{
'Table Name' = $table
'Object Name' = $_.name
'DataType' = $_.dataType
$ColumnProperty | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
Result I Get
"Table Name", "Object Name", "Datatype"
"Date","Currency Code","string"
"Date","Customer Id","string"
"Date","First Name","string"
"Date","Middle Name","string"
"Date","Last Name","string"
"Date","Name Style","boolean",
"Date","Birth Date","dateTime",
"Date","Marital Status","string"
"Date","Day Number Of Week","int64"
"Date","Day Name Of Week","string"
"Date","Day Of Year","int64"
"Date","Week Of Year","int64"
"Date","Month Name","string"
Result I Need
"Table Name", "Object Name", "DataType"
"Currency","Currency Code","string"
"Customer","Customer Id","string"
"Customer","First Name","string"
"Customer","Middle Name","string"
"Customer","Last Name","string"
"Customer","Name Style","boolean",
"Customer","Birth Date","dateTime",
"Customer","Marital Status","string"
"Date","Day Number Of Week","int64"
"Date","Day Name Of Week","string"
"Date","Day Of Year","int64"
"Date","Week Of Year","int64"
"Date","Month Name","string"
Try this on for size:
$BIM = "C:\Users\Desktop\adventureworks.bim"
$origmodel = Get-Content $BIM -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
ForEach ($table in $origmodel.Model.tables) {
$ColumnProperty += $table.columns | ForEach-Object {
[pscustomobject] @{
'Table Name' = $table.name
'Object Name' = $_.name
'DataType' = $_.dataType
$ColumnProperty | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
as =
was overwriting every entryforeach