this is my code:
' ', #for "Press any key to continue"
'show mac-address'
) | plink <ip> -P 22 -ssh -v -l admin -pw pwd -batch
Read-Host -Prompt “Press Enter to exit”
sometimes i get this output:
←[1;13r←[1;1HSession sent command exit status 0
Main session channel closed
All channels closed
and sometimes i get this output:
Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection
FATAL ERROR: Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection
If i write the plink command without Pipe:
plink <ip> -P 22 -ssh -v -l admin -pw pwd -batch
It works. But i need it automated
I happen to have an Aruba switch and found that specifying non-interactive SSH with -batch
, or commands with -m
, just causes the switch to disconnect your session like you're seeing. Maybe there's a setting to allow it?
I found this works pretty well, using more of a .net approach due to issues with Start-Process
redirection. This opens plink
in a separate process, and sends commands to its stdin:
# set up a process with redirection enabled
$psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$psi.FileName = "plink.exe" #process file
$psi.UseShellExecute = $false #start the process from it's own executable file
$psi.WorkingDirectory = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY' # or add to path
$psi.RedirectStandardInput = $true #enable the process to read from our standard input
$psi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true #enable reading standard output from powershell
# update these:
$psi.Arguments = "$IPADDRESS -P 22 -ssh -l admin -pw $PASS"
# launch plink
$plink = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi);
sleep 1
# send key presses to plink shell
$plink.StandardInput.AutoFlush = $true
$plink.StandardInput.WriteLine() # press return to begin session
$plink.StandardInput.WriteLine() # press any key to continue (banner)
$plink.StandardInput.WriteLine('show mac-address') # get macs
$plink.StandardInput.WriteLine('exit') # exit and confirm logoff
# read output from process
$output = $plink.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
# exit plink
# outputs like so (trimmed of banners etc)
MAC Address Port VLAN
----------------- ------------------------------- ----
005056-00000X 15 1
005056-00000Y 9 1
005056-00000Z 11 1
You may have to play around with the commands a bit, but I found plink was pretty generous with how quickly input gets thrown at it
I did notice if the plink process is waiting (ssh session still connected), then ReadToEnd()
will wait forever. Maybe it can be replaced with a ReadLine()
loop, but it can be hard to tell when it's done.