
How convert LPCWSTR to wchar_t*?

I require to convert a LPCWSTR data to wchar_t*. I tried a bunch of methods, and some work, but when I try to get their code page, they are showing different values.

Code overview:

std::string ChineseCharacter(LPCWSTR Data) //Data value: "丂\n"
    CString sHexValue = "";
    std::wstring sData(Data);

    wchar_t* str1 = (wchar_t*)Data;
    //wchar_t* str2 = (wchar_t*)_wcsdup(sData.c_str());

    wchar_t* str3 = (wchar_t*)(L"丂\n"); //u4E02 -- CP 8140 ** CP is needed

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        sHexValue2.Format("%02x", str1[i]);//-- 4E02 -- FAIL
        //sHexValue2.Format("%02x", str2[i]);//-- 4E02 -- FAIL
        sHexValue2.Format("%02x", str3[i]);//-- First loop: 81, second one: 40 -- OK

According to the watcher, the values are:

str1= L"丂\n"
str3= L"@\n"

My doubt is, how can I pass the value of Data to a wchar_t*, equal as when I hard-code the value?



  • LPCWSTR is just an alias for const wchar_t*. To convert that to wchar_t*, you can use const_cast, eg:

    wchar_t* str = const_cast<wchar_t*>(Data);

    (just make sure you don't write anything to the memory that is pointed at).

    However, nothing in the code you have shown requires the use of non-const wchar_t* (or std::wstring, either), so you can simply loop through Data directly, there is no need to convert LPCWSTR to wchar_t* at all, eg:

    std::string ChineseCharacter(LPCWSTR Data)
        CString sHexValue;
        for (int i = 0; (i < 4) && (Data[i] != L'\0'); ++i)
            sHexValue.Format("%02hx", static_cast<unsigned short>(Data[i]));
        return static_cast<char*>(sHexValue);

    Alternatively, using just standard C++:

    std::string ChineseCharacter(const wchar_t *Data)
        std::ostringstream sHexValue;
        for (int i = 0; (i < 4) && (Data[i] != L'\0'); ++i)
            sHexValue << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << static_cast<unsigned short>(Data[i]);
        return sHexValue.str();