The below is the sample dataframe and I want to extract the value bw
of Rat as Float64
not as Vector{Float64}
df = DataFrame(id=["Mouse","Rat"],
I get a Vector{Float64} when I use the below code.
df[in.(, Ref(["Rat"])), :bw]
Can yo please tell me how can I get only the value of bw=100.45 from the dataframe. I don't want to use the below code, instead I want to reference id=="Rat" and take it that way to be sure I am getting the correct value from a larger dataset.
df[2, :bw]
Thanks again...!
You can do:
julia> only(df[in.(, Ref(["Rat"])), :bw])
The reason why you are getting a vector back is that you are indexing with a vector. This is consistent with base Julia:
julia> x = ["a", "b"]
2-element Vector{String}:
julia> x[[true, false]]
1-element Vector{String}:
So another option is to index with a scalar:
julia> df[findfirst(in.(, Ref(["Rat"]))), :bw]
here the findfirst
returns the index of the first true
element of your indexing vector, which is a scalar.