I have a user event script which executes on create of sales order and sends a HTTPS POST to our integration URL on Mulesoft. It seems NetSuite throws SSS_REQUEST_TIME_EXCEEDED error within 45 secs even if API call was successful. if there a way to increase these 45 sec and run it behind the scene? should i create a suitelet and call from userevent when record is created?
FYI. Post call is successful every time but script throws this error. user event code:
function afterSubmit(context) {
if (context.type !== context.UserEventType.CREATE)
var envtype = JSON.stringify(runtime.envType)
var accountId = runtime.accountId
var isProduction = (accountId == '12345')
log.debug({title: 'Before Post' })
var tokenrecord = record.load({
type: 'customrecord_mulesoft_setup',
id: 1,
isDynamic: true,
var token = tokenrecord.getValue({
fieldId: 'custrecord_sandbox_token_so_api'
log.debug({title : 'token' , details: token});
var headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
Authorization : isProduction ? 'Bearer ' + token : 'Bearer ' + token,
'User-Agent': 'NetSuite/2022',
Accept: '*/*',
Host : isProduction ? 'test.com' : 'test.com',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
Connection :'keep-alive'
var salesorderid = context.newRecord.id;
if (isProduction) {
apiNum = 'xxxxxx';
endPointUrl = 'https://test.com/' + salesorderid; }
else {
apiNum = 'yyyy'; // all updates
endPointUrl = 'https://test.com/' + salesorderid;
var postedObj = { /*
parameters : [
"Key": "ns_internal_id",
"Value": v_intid
] */
var jsonify = JSON.stringify(postedObj);
log.debug({title : 'url' , details: endPointUrl});
log.debug({title : 'headers' , details: headers});
log.debug({title : 'body' , details: jsonify});
var resp=https.post({
url: endPointUrl,
headers: headers,
body: jsonify
var id = record.submitFields({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: salesorderid,
values: {
custbody_sent_to_mulesoft: true
log.error({title : 'Error Message' , details: e.message});
log.error({title : 'Error Code' , details: e.name});
log.debug({title: 'Headers' + 'resp.headers' })
log.error({title : 'Could not send item to SF !!' , details: JSON.stringify(resp)});
log.error({title : 'Could not send item to SF !!' , details: JSON.stringify(jsonify)})
Message: The host you are trying to connect to has exceeded the maximum allowed response time.
Firstly, I wouldn't recommend using an API call that could potentially take a long time (more than a couple of seconds) to come back in a UserEvent script because it would drastically impact user experience.
To answer your question, you should implement a retry function to call the API multiple times if the first request fails. There is an supporting document that explains this and similar issues on the SuiteAnswers page. https://suiteanswers.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/32729/loc/en_US
function retry(expectedErrors, task, retries=1) {
try {
return task();
} catch (err) {
if (retries === 0) throw err;
if (expectedErrors.length && !expectedErrors.includes(err.name)) throw err;
return retry(expectedErrors, task, --retries);
retry(["SSS_REQUEST_TIME_EXCEEDED"], function() {
// your API request here