I've created a simple word plugin and want to create a document based off another document.
I've stripped down the code
function WordLoadDocument(msg) {
Word.run(context => {
var myNewDoc = context.application.createDocument();
myNewDoc.properties.customProperties.add("fileId", file.id);
myNewDoc.properties.customProperties.add("fileName", file.name);
myNewDoc.properties.customProperties.add("attachId", attach.id);
myNewDoc.properties.customProperties.add("attachName", attach.name);*/
return context.sync()
}).catch(error => {
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
"Error code and message: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo)
But I just get
Error code and message: {"code":"AccessDenied","message":"AccessDenied","errorLocation":"Application.createDocument","statement":"var createDocument = v.createDocument();"...
It doesn't seem to matter what I do I just always get the error - even before I add in the data..
The manifest has ReadWriteDocument which seems to be the 'max' https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/manifest/permissions?view=word-js-1.4
Is there something I'm missing. I'm on Word desktop and sideloading the app via network - could this be a permissions on the machine / type issue?
So I've worked this one out - basically the issue is that I had the add-in in a dialog box (displayDialogAsync). Word doesn't like it and hence the error.