I am using mjml code to build a mailer.
I am using <mj-attributes>
in the <mj-head>
to handle classes and styles.
But for some reason when I use <mj-button/>
inside <mj-attributes>
it does not work like other mjml elements...
<mj-button padding="15px 20px" />
<mj-class name="btn-red" color="#FFFFFF" background-color="#FF1761" border-radius="15px" font-size="16px" font-weight="600" />
<mj-button mj-class="btn-red" href="...">Download PDF Version</mj-button>
The padding styles returned are same as the defaults...
Even if I add padding to .btn-red
mjml class like this...
<mj-class name="btn-red" color="#FFFFFF" background-color="#FF1761" border-radius="15px" font-size="16px" font-weight="600" padding="15px 20px" />
<mj-button mj-class="btn-red" href="...">Download PDF Version</mj-button>
It again returns the default padding 10px 25px
So frustrating, the only I can change the padding on a button is by adding padding attribute to each single button, which is nuts!...
<mj-button mj-class="btn-red" href="..." padding="15px 25px">Download PDF Version</mj-button>
Why is this?
See live mjml demo of the problem... https://mjml.io/try-it-live/o_HKn3RTo
What you're looking for is inner-padding
instead of padding
. Here's the documentation for it. You'll notice padding
is for offsetting the element, whereas inner-padding
is for actual internal padding on the element itself.