
JSDoc to handle Rhino's importPackage

In Rhino, one can do


This imports in the current namespace all the members of the Java class.

I've already set up Typescript declaration files for that class so I can use

var x =;
var y =;

and get completion, type checking etc in VSCode (and the typescript that it uses)

With that importPackage, I can use

var z = memberA;

and it works (at run time) but VSCode complains because it has no idea that importPackage means that the members are imported.

Can I add some JSDoc that will cause VSCode to know that? It's a sort of

 import * from

I guess


class xyzzy extends {}

gets me close, but two problems: Rhino doesn't support class (so I need it to be in a JSDoc comment instead) and it means I can do xyzzy.methodY() now, but not just methodY()

My typescript-fu isn't that strong so I'm not really sure how to go about this


  • I'm afraid, there is no way to do what you want via typescript + jsdoc. importPackage works like a with statement. It modifies current execution context. TypeScript itself doesn't support types for with. Also, JavaScript doesn't have such conception as import * from "foo" (The correct one import * as foo from "foo").

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