I need to create a BaseSlider component. in this component, I use vue3-carousel. Here is the BaseSlider code:
<div class="mv-slide">
<carousel ref="carousel" v-model="currentSlide" :items-to-show="1">
<slot />
<template #addons v-if="arrow">
<template #next>
<span> >> </span>
<template #prev>
dsa </span>
<div class="mv-slide__pagination" v-if="indicator">
<div v-for="slide in 11" :class="{
'mv-slide__pagination-item': true,
'mv-slide__pagination-item--active': currentSlide === slide
}" @click="currentSlide = slide"></div>
Here is how I use the BaseSlider
<Slide v-for="slide in 10" :key="slide">
<img src="http://localhost:3000/custom-estimate-mv1.png" alt="custom estimate"
My app is crashed with this code with error
[Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of render function at <Carousel ref="carousel" modelValue=0 onUpdate:modelValue=fnonUpdate:modelValue ... >
Cannot set properties of null (setting 'index')
at Array.forEach ()
Does anyone have experience on create component wraping vue3-carousel
If you pass the slides over your BaseSlider
component, then your default
slot gets a parent Vnode containing all your slides as children.
This means, To access slides you should go over slots.default()[0].children
and the Carousel
is not prepared for such scenario.
That's why the errors happens in the Carousel at the line
slidesElements.forEach((el, index) => (el.props.index = index));
since the parent Vnode does not have props.
I haven't found any way to fix it using templates, so I wrote a Render Function for the BaseSlider
that returns the Carousel
and fills the default slot with the slides.
<script setup>
import { useSlots, h} from 'vue';
import { Carousel, Slide, Pagination, Navigation } from 'vue3-carousel';
const slots = useSlots()
const render = () => {
return h('div', { class: 'mv-slide' }, [
h(Carousel, { 'items-to-show': 1 }, {
default: () => slots.default()[0].children,
addons: () => [ h(Navigation), h(Pagination) ]
<render />
Here is the working SFC Playground