A couple of months ago, I created an observablehq
based AG Grid
table with sparklines
. Recently, the sparklines
stopped working, and I am not sure why. Here is a notebook with an example that used to work, but is not working anymore. The third column, Rate of Change, is supposed to contain sparklines.
I previously loaded AG Grid
with AgGrid = require('ag-grid-enterprise/dist/ag-grid-enterprise.js')
, but this generates an error now so I changed it to AgGrid = require('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ag-grid-enterprise@25.2.0/dist/ag-grid-enterprise.min.js')
, which seems to be working for the grid, but does not render the sparklines
. I do not know why the former require call no longer works. When I inspect the devtools, it says AG Grid: Looking for component [agSparklineCellRenderer] but it wasn't found.
so apparently the sparkline module is not imported correctly.
This should work.
AgGrid = require("ag-grid-enterprise@27.3.0/dist/ag-grid-enterprise.js")