
Typescript Parameter Object Destructuring

I am getting a Typescript error for props.className below:

type PropsType = {
  handleChange?: Function;
  props?: { [key: string]: any };

export default function Search({ handleChange, ...props }: PropsType) {
  return (
    <div className={`search-bar flex middle ${props.className ?? ""}`}>
      <div className="search-icon flex middle">
          <use href="#search-icon" />
      <input placeholder="Search" size={1} />

I get the error "Property 'className' does not exist on type '{ props?: { [key: string]: any; } | undefined; }'" but that's to be expected since I'm spreading the rest of the parameters in, right? I just want to add the className to the element if it's there (in props).

For additional info, I'm converting this Component to Typescript and am using Next.js 13 (experimental).


  • To pass any props to a component, the string signature should be defined as the following:

    type PropsType = {
        handleChange?: Function;
        [key: string]: any

    This makes you code work but not suggest because it disable all type checks.

    And in my opinion, className is a known property so it should be explicitly defined:

    type PropsType = {
        handleChange?: Function;
        className?: string;