
Create a progress bar in a GUI window in Powershell

I use the code shown below to display a progress bar in my PowerShell script. It works, but it progress bar is displayed it in the PowerShell console.

However, I would like to create a GUI progress bar in a separate window when I click somewhere, as shown in this video: link.

Can someone help please with an example?

Here is the code of my console-based progress bar, adapted from this answer:

Write-Progress -Activity $activity -PercentComplete 0

$totalMinutes = 0.15           # Combien de temps faut-il afficher la barre de progression ?
$timerIntervalSecs = 0.1      # L'intervalle de déclenchement des événements de la minuterie 
$global:continueWhile = $true  # Variable globale qui permet de continuer ou d'arrêter la barre de chargement 
$timer = [System.Timers.Timer]::new($timerIntervalSecs * 1000) 

$eventJob = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $timer -EventName Elapsed -Action { 
  $endTime, $totalMinutes, $activity = $Event.MessageData.EndTime, $Event.MessageData.TotalMinutes, $Event.MessageData.Activity
  $timeLeft = $endTime - (Get-Date)
  $percent = (1 - $timeLeft.TotalSeconds / ($totalMinutes * 60)) * 100
  if ($timeLeft -lt 0) { $percent = 100; $timeLeft = [timespan] 0; $global:continueWhile = $false } # une fois entièrement écoulée, passe $continueWhile = $false
  Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status "$([math]::Floor($percent))% complete, $([math]::Ceiling($timeLeft.TotalSeconds)) seconds remaining..." -PercentComplete $percent
} -MessageData (@{ EndTime = (Get-Date).AddMinutes($totalMinutes); TotalMinutes = $totalMinutes; Activity = $activity }) 

$timer.Start() # Démarre la minuterie.

try { 
    Write-Output "test output"
    while ($continueWhile) {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.5

} finally {
   Remove-Job $eventJob -Force
   Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed


  • Here's the GUI equivalent of your console-based progress bar, using the WinForms ProgressBar control.


    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    # Parameters
    $activity = 'Running...'
    $totalMinutes = 0.15      # How many minutes to run in total
    $timerIntervalSecs = 0.1  # The timer-event firing interval
    $timer = [System.Timers.Timer]::new($timerIntervalSecs * 1000) # create the timer
    # A data-transfer object used for communicating with 
    # the -Action script block below.
    $dto = @{ 
      Activity = $activity
      EndTime = (Get-Date).AddMinutes($totalMinutes)
      TotalMinutes = $totalMinutes
      Done = $false # will be set to $true when the progress bar has reached 100% or the form was closed manually.
      AbortedAt = $null # if the form was closed manually, will be set to the percent-complete value at that time.
      Form = $null # will be filled in the -Action script block to store the form object between invocations.
    # Register a script block as the delegate for the timer's "Elapsed" event
    # (-Action parameter).
    # The data-transfer object is passed via the -MessageData parameter.
    $eventJob = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $timer -EventName Elapsed -Action { 
      $endTime, $totalMinutes, $activity, $form = $Event.MessageData.EndTime, $Event.MessageData.TotalMinutes, $Event.MessageData.Activity, $Event.MessageData.Form
      # Create the form on demand.
      if (-not $form) {
        $form = $Event.MessageData.Form = [System.Windows.Forms.Form] @{ TopMost = $true; Text = $activity; MinimizeBox = $false; MaximizeBox = $false; Width = 290; Height = 100; StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' }
          [System.Windows.Forms.Label] @{ Name = 'lbl'; Left = 10; Width = 250 }
          [System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar] @{ Name = 'pb'; Minimum = 0; Maximum = 100; Top = 30; Left = 10; Width = 250 }
      # Calculate the progress... 
      $timeLeft = $endTime - (Get-Date)
      if ($timeLeft -lt 0) { $timeLeft = [timespan] 0 }
      $completed = $timeLeft -eq 0
      $percent = (1 - $timeLeft.TotalSeconds / ($totalMinutes * 60)) * 100
      # ... and update the status label and progress bar
      # Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status "$([math]::Floor($percent))% complete, $([math]::Ceiling($timeLeft.TotalSeconds)) seconds remaining..." -PercentComplete $percent
      $form.Controls['lbl'].Text = "$([math]::Floor($percent))% complete, $([math]::Ceiling($timeLeft.TotalSeconds)) seconds remaining..."
      $form.Controls['pb'].Value = $percent 
      # NOTE: This is crucial to make the form paint and to to keep it responsive.
      #       If the timer interval is too long, the form will be sluggish to respond to attempts to move or close it.
      # If the time has elapsed or the form has been closed, close the form (if it isn't already closed),
      # and signal that fact to the calling thread.
      if ($completed -or -not $form.Visible) { $Event.MessageData.AbortedAt = if (-not $form.Visible) { $percent }; $form.Dispose(); $Event.MessageData.Done = $true }
    } -MessageData $dto
    # Start the timer, which displays the form with the progress bar.
    try { 
        "Test output"
        # Wait until the timer has elapsed or the form has been closed.
        while (-not $dto.Done) {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.5
        if ($dto.AbortedAt) {
          Write-Warning "Progress-bar window as manually closed at $($dto.AbortedAt.ToString('N2'))% complete."
        } else {
          "Progress-bar window auto-closed on completion."
    } finally {
       # Clean up.
       Remove-Job $eventJob -Force