This is the data stored in the following reducer:
const[displayState, dispatchDisplayState]=useReducer(displayReducer,{
data:[], searchResultData:[], display:null
I'm trying to alter the state by removing a film (by ID) from the film array of objects within the data field
dispatchDisplayState({type:"REMOVE_FILM_FROM_DATA", filmid:filmid })
This isn't working:
const displayReducer=(state,action)=>{
return{...state,>item._id!==action.filmid) }
default: return{data:[], searchResultData:[], display:null}
It looks like you need to target the films array directly. Something like this:
data: {, films:>item._id!==action.filmid)}
The way your code is written it looks like you are replacing the entire data property with the films property.