How to detect Calypso card from other emv type B cards.
Calypso type cards which is a PICC compliant with ISO/IEC 14443-4 type B cards.
We would like to detect the card is not a EMV card, before processing by the EMV kernel.
from the ATQB structure of the Calypso card, is there a way we can find?
We read ATQB from calypso card,
` .cardType = CARDTYPE_TYPE_B (6)
.atqb = 12:{50AA0701 AB000000 00004191}
.ata = 1:{00}
for a Visa card that is type B
` .cardType = CARDTYPE_TYPE_B (6)
.atqb = 12:{50C5D69F 00000000 00006183}
.ata = 1:{00}`
So we cant find a tangible difference between PICC of calypso or Visa card. How to identify the card on detect and accept only EMV and not further process calypso card?
You can recognize an EMV by sending a select PSSE command to the card:
a4 04 00 0e 32 50 41 59 2e 53 59 53 2e 44 44 46 30 31 00
select command
Try to select 2PAY.SYS.DDF
is in the card response, the card is an EMV card.