Working with react-intl and was looking to display a currency symbol only, after some text like USD$.
From what I have read so far in the documentation guessing FormattedNumber requires a default value.
Just wondering is it possible to display a currency symbol without a number value? such as $ (currently it returns NaN, due to missing number value)
Wondering has anyone run into this kind of issue previously?
Guessing there must be a simple solution.
In the meantime will keep looking for alternative solutions.
Any thought greatly appreciated.
Since react-intl uses Intl.NumberFormat
under the hood, you might be able to use formatToParts
to extract just the currency symbol, for example
const symbol = Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currencyDisplay: 'narrowSymbol',
currency: 'USD'
.filter(part => part.type === 'currency')
.map(part => part.value)
Although, depending on the required browser support, it might require a polyfill.