
How can I limit input number?

I want to limit the number to be lower than or equal to 65535 when I input number. When I calculate sum of two numbers in asssembly, emu8086 can not calculate sum of number higher than 65535, so I want to limit input to lower than or equal to 65535.

.model small
.stack 100h
 tb1 db 10,13,"Input first number: $"
 tb2 db 10,13,"Input second number: $"
 tb3 db 10,13,"Sum of two number:$"
 tb4 db 10,13,"Invalid number. Please input again: $"
 x dw ?
 y dw ?
 z dw ?
 t dw ?
 k dw ?
main proc
    mov ax,@data
    mov ds,ax
    ;input first number
    mov ah,9
    lea dx,tb1
    int 21h
    call input_number
    mov ax,x
    mov z,ax
    ;input second number
    mov ah,9
    lea dx,tb2
    int 21h
    call input_number
    mov ax,x
    mov t,ax
    ;in tong 2 so
    mov ah,9
    lea dx,tb3
    int 21h
    mov ax,x
    add ax,t
    jc overflow_number
        mov ax,z
        xor cx,cx
        xor dx,dx
        mov bx,10
        div bx
        mov x,ax
        mov k,dx
        mov ax,t
        xor cx,cx
        xor dx,dx
        mov bx,10
        div bx
        add x,ax ;cong 2 so sau khi chia 10
        add dx,k ;cong so du
        mov k,dx
        cmp k,9
        jl show
        cmp k,9
        jg reminder
        mov ax,k
        xor cx,cx
        xor dx,dx
        mov bx,10
        div bx
        add ax,dx
        inc x
        mov k,ax
        dec k
        mov ax,x
        mov x,ax
        call print
        mov ax,k
        mov x,ax
        call print    
    mov ah,4ch
    int 21h

main endp
;ham con

;input function
input_number proc
    mov x,0
    mov y,0
    mov bx,10
    mov cx,5
            mov ah,1
            int 21h
            cmp al,13
            je sumbit
            cmp al,30h
            jb invalid_number
            cmp al,39h
            ja invalid_number
            sub al,30h
            xor ah,ah
            mov y,ax
            mov ax,x
            mul bx
            add ax,y
            mov x,ax
            loop input    
            mov ah,9
            lea dx,tb4
            int 21h
            jmp main proc

input_number endp

;print function

print proc
    mov ax,x
    mov bx,10
    mov cx,0
            mov dx,0
            div bx 
            push dx 
            inc cx 
            cmp ax,0 
            je hienthi 
            jmp divide 
            pop dx
            add dl,30h
            mov ah,2
            int 21h
            dec cx
            cmp cx,0
            jne hienthi
print endp

end main


  • mov ax,x
    add ax,t
    jc overflow_number

    This is a problematic part of you program!

    Confining the input to the range [0,65535] is easy:

    input_number proc
        mov  x, 0
        mov  cx, 5
        mov  ah, 01h
        int  21h           ; -> AL
        cmp  al, 13
        je   sumbit
        sub  al, 30h
        cmp  al, 9
        ja   invalid_number ; Not a decimal digit
        xor  ah, ah
        mov  bx, ax         ; -> BX is NewDigit
        mov  ax, 10
        mul  x
        jc   invalid_number ; Out of range
        add  ax, bx
        jc   invalid_number ; Out of range
        mov  x, ax
        loop input    
        mov  dx, OFFSET tb4
        mov  ah, 09h
        int  21h
        pop  ax             ; Forget `call input_number`
        jmp  main           ; (*)
    input_number endp

    (*) Does emu8086 accept jmp main proc ?