
Unable to access a Cassandra table with a Composite key using Reactive Cassandra

I am using Spring-Reactive and Reactive-Cassandra [spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra-reactive] to access tables on Cassandra. I am able to access simple tables with a single column representing the Primary Key such as:

user_name: partition_key
address: regular

But when it comes to a more complicated table such as the following, I am unable to fetch any info from Cassandra:

user_name: partition_key
department_name: clustering
address: regular

Following is how I have written my @Configuration and @Repository in Spring reactive:


@Table(value = "user_table")
public class UserConfig {
    private UserKey key;

    private String address;

Primary Key Class:

public class UserKey {
    @PrimaryKeyColumn(name = "user_name", ordinal = 0, type = PrimaryKeyType.PARTITIONED)
    private String userName;
    @PrimaryKeyColumn(name = "department_name", ordinal = 1, type = PrimaryKeyType.CLUSTERED)
    private String departmentName;


public interface UserRepository extends ReactiveCassandraRepository<UserConfig, UserKey> {
    Mono<UserConfig> findByKeyUserNameAndKeyDepartmentName(String userName, String departmentName);

My Cassandra config class is as follows:

public class CassandraConfig extends AbstractReactiveCassandraConfiguration {
    private String contactPoints;

    private String localDatacenter;
    private int port;
    private String keySpace;
    private String username;
    private String password;

    private SchemaAction schemaAction;

    protected String getContactPoints() {
        return contactPoints;

    protected int getPort() {
        return port;

    public SchemaAction getSchemaAction() {
        return schemaAction;

    protected String getKeyspaceName() {
        return keySpace;

    public CqlSessionFactoryBean cassandraSession() {
        CqlSessionFactoryBean cqlSessionFactoryBean = new CqlSessionFactoryBean();
        return cqlSessionFactoryBean;

All the documentation I have followed does the exact same thing that I am doing above. What am I missing here? Kindly help.


  • This worked for me:

    Table Class:

    @Table(value = "user_table")
    public class UserConfig implements Serializable {
        @PrimaryKeyColumn(name = "user_name", ordinal = 0, type = PrimaryKeyType.PARTITIONED)
        private String userName;
        @PrimaryKeyColumn(name = "department_name", ordinal = 1, type = PrimaryKeyType.CLUSTERED, ordering = Ordering.ASCENDING)
        private String departmentName;
        @Column(value = "address")
        private String address;


    public interface UserRepository extends ReactiveCassandraRepository<UserConfig, String> {
        @Query("SELECT * from user_table where user_name=?0")
        Flux<UserConfig> findByUserName(String userName);
        @Query("SELECT * from user_table where user_name=?0 and department_name=?1")
        Flux<UserConfig> findByUserNameAndDepartmentName(String userName, String departmentName);

    The change mainly here is with respect to how the Repository interface methods are defined with @Query.