
There is no data in Elastic APM using fleet

I used the below link to Install and configure Elastic APM https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/observability/8.7/ingest-traces.html

I have a linux ubuntu server, I Installed Elastic Search and Kibana and configured them, I can access kibana from outside of the server and there is no problem. but when I try to configure APM with fleet, there is no data in it.

Check APM server Status is successfull. enter image description here

Check Agent Status is Successfull: enter image description here

but there is not any data in APM: enter image description here

Also using Postman I cannot acceess to port 8200 to get status of the apm-server enter image description here

I need help with configuring APM on my server. not: I use .net core ad apm agent.


  • Finally I solved the Issue, the reason that I cannot see any data in apm integration was that I was adding an Integration inside a new Agent Policy (actually when you create an Integration it generates an Agent Policy and adds Integration inside that Agent Policy). image 1

    enter image description here

    To solve the Issue we need to click Existing Host tab and select Fleet server's policy to adding Integration. enter image description here