
Is it possible to define a syntax-rules macro in Common Lisp

I learned that it is easy to define a small macro in scheme by syntax-rules. Is it possible to define a syntax-rules macro which will return a list can be read by defmacro in Common Lisp?

Which might work like this:

(defmacro and (&rest rest)
  (syntax-rules (rest) ()
    ((_)         t)
    ((_ x)       x
    ((_ x y)     (if x (if y y nil) nil))
    ((_ x y ...) (if x (and y ...) nil))))


  • Tim Bradshaw's destructuring-match is intended to make this kind of pattern matching easy in macros: it is a combination of case and destructuring-bind, so the key of each clause has the syntax of a destructuring lambda list. There are several other pattern matching systems for CL, but this one explicitly is aimed at writing macros: it's not a general data structure matching tool, just a generalised version of destructuring-bind.

    It comes with a little example macro (itself written using destructuring-match as well as expanding into something which uses destructuring-match!) called define-matching-macro, in which you can write a version of and, here called et. I think the following two macros are correct but I have not thought much about them.

    (define-matching-macro et
      "This is meant to be AND"
      ((_) 't)
      ((_ x) x)
      ((_ x . more ) `(if ,x (et ,@more) nil)))

    You can alternatively just use destructuring-match in an ordinary defmacro macro. Here I am not using &whole to get the whole form so we don't have to bother with the car of the form:

    (defmacro et (&rest forms)
      "This is also meant to be AND"
      (destructuring-match forms
        (() 't)
        ((x) x)
        ((x . more) `(if ,x (et ,@more) nil))))
