I have a tower defense game. I want to modify the walk animation of ennemies, so that depending of their position on the map, i can use front, left, right walk animations.
I want to use 2D colliders, so that when an ennemies enter inside the new zone, i can detect with TriggerEnter and change the animation of the Walk.
Which kind of collider should i use to achieve this ? I mean, Which collider should I use to have different colliders side by side like in the image ?
In this example you can see ennemies moving following a path and in this situation, i should detect the position to have another animation, for example profile walk.
I finally used this solution. Thank you all
Vector2 currentDirection = (points.ways[wayIndex].wayPoints[wayPointIndex].position - transform.position).normalized;
if (Mathf.Abs(currentDirection.x) >= Mathf.Abs(currentDirection.y))
//Character is moving sideways
if (currentDirection.x > 0)
print("Move Rigth");
print("Move Left");
//Character is moving straight
if (currentDirection.y > 0)
print("Move Up");
print("Move Down");