
Problems executing cypress more than once and save results in different screenshotsFolder in Cypress version 12.10.0

I'm trying to create a folder to save the screenshots I capture from Cypress in a custom folder inside screenshots, where in the screenshotFolder folder, a folder with the date will be added dynamically for each execution of run.cypress(), but it's not working.

The problem is that when the code run.cypress() is executed, at the end it changes the route that I put and leaves the one that is by default.

The code can be executed, and it is the follow:

const cypress = require('cypress');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('node:path'); 

//Function that create the test run
var createRunTest = async function (info, folderNameResults){

   //Datetime will be modified every time that the function is called
   var datetime2 = new Date(); //test start date
   datetime2 = datetime2.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', '_');
   datetime2 = datetime2.replace(/:\s*/g, '_');

   //Then I create the folders of the results for reports and screenshots with the number of execution and his datetime
   //Creation datetime folder in reports (time it runs)
   var reportsFolder = path.join(__dirname, 'cypress', 'reports', folderNameResults, cronInfo.execution_num + '_' + datetime2);
   fs.mkdir(reportsFolder, (err) => {
       if (err) {
          if (err.code == 'EEXIST') return console.error("file exist");
          return console.error(err);

   //Creation datetime folder in screenshots (time it runs)
   var screenshotsFolder = path.join(__dirname, 'cypress', 'screenshots', folderNameResults, info.execution_num + '_' + datetime2);
   fs.mkdir(screenshotsFolder, (err) => { 
       if (err) {
          if (err.code == 'EEXIST') return console.error("file exist");
          return console.error(err);

   console.log("It should be: ", screenshotsFolder);

   let results = await{
       browser: 'chrome',
       configFile: __dirname + '/cypress.config.js',
       spec: __dirname + '/cypress/e2e/investigation/', //put your test here
       reporter: "cypress-multi-reporters",
       reporterOptions: {
           "reporterEnabled": "mochawesome",
           "mochawesomeReporterOptions": {
               "reportDir": reportsFolder + "/json/",
               "overwrite": false,
               "html": false,
               "json": true
       videosFolder: __dirname + '/cypress/videos',
       screenshotsFolder: screenshotsFolder,
   console.log("But it is this", results.config.screenshotsFolder);

   info.execution_num += 1;


//Here i have information of execution times
var info = {
    id: 1
    created: new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10),
    execution_num: 0, //execution number

var folderNameResults = + '_' + info.created;

//here i create a folder with folderNameResults in directories "cypress/reports/ and cypress/screenshots"
//i.e. remaining as follow: cypress/reports/1_05_17_2023 (and the same with screenshots)

fs.mkdir(__dirname + '/cypress/reports/' + folderNameResults, (err) => { //creation in REPORTS
    if (err) {
        if (err.code == 'EEXIST') return console.error("file exist");
        return console.error(err);

fs.mkdir(__dirname + '/cypress/screenshots/' + folderNameResults, (err) => { //creation in SCREENSHOTS
    if (err) {
        if (err.code == 'EEXIST') return console.error("file exist");
        return console.error(err);

//Then i call the function to create a execution test
console.log("FIRST EXECUTION"); //increment +1 execution number (1)
createRunTest(info, folderNameResults).then( () => {
    console.log("SECOND EXECUTION");
    //increment +1 execution number (2)
    createRunTest(info, folderNameResults);

In the first execution the Output is, that show me that doesn't work:

It should be:  C:\Users\xeom\Desktop\Ayudantia\v2_script\script/cypress/screenshots/1_2023-05-17/0_2023-05-17_19_32_30

But it is this C:\Users\xeom\Desktop\Ayudantia\v2_script\script\cypress\screenshots

So what happens with this is what appears in the following image: Problems with screenshots folders in cypress

The file with the captures that should be for each execution is stored outside the folders that you create and is also overwritten in the folder (there should be a folder named like this for each execution folder).

Also, we can see that with reports it work pretty good.

How can I fix it?


  • screenshotsFolder should be in the config section

    let results = await{
        browser: 'chrome',
        configFile: __dirname + '/cypress.config.js',
        //spec: __dirname + '/cypress/e2e/investigacion/',
        reporter: "cypress-multi-reporters",
        reporterOptions: {
            "reporterEnabled": "mochawesome",
            "mochawesomeReporterOptions": {
                "reportDir": "cypress/reports/" + folderName + '/' + datetime + "/json/",
                //"reportDir": "cypress/reports/json/",
                "overwrite": false,
                "html": false,
                "json": true
           videosFolder: __dirname + '/cypress/videos',
           screenshotsFolder: screenshotsFolder

    code source