Each form submission in Elementor gets assinged a unique ID that gets iterated by one for each new submission. I want to reference this ID in the Actions after submit - E-Mail as a way of letting the user know the ID of their request. Is there any way of including this ID as a shortcode in the email that gets sent to the user, to create some sort of ticketing system?
I tried to add the following but it didn't work: [field id="submission_id"]
I also read [these]https://elementor.com/help/customizing-form-emails/) Elementor Docs, but they are not very helpful with what I'm trying to achieve.
I think that this requries some custom coding, but I'm unsure where to start.
I found an easy solution for this. I created a short code, that queries the DB table where the submission IDs are stored, extracts the highest value, adds one and returns the value. I then use this short code in the email template that gets sent to the user, and it displays the corresponding submission ID in the E-Mail.
Here is the shortcode:
// Register a function to run on the init hook
add_action( 'init', 'register_get_submission_id_shortcode' );
function register_get_submission_id_shortcode() {
// Register the get submission id shortcode
add_shortcode( 'get_submission_id', 'get_submission_id' );
function get_submission_id() {
global $wpdb;
// Get the highest value from the database table
$sql = "SELECT MAX(ID) as max_id FROM `hleKsJ9_e_submissions`;";
$result = $wpdb->get_var( $sql );
// Add 1 to the highest value and return it
if ( $result ) {
return $result;
} else {
return 'No results found';