
Why are we getting UnsupportedVersionException: The broker does not support INIT_PRODUCER_ID, after Helidon MP 3.2.1 upgrade

We are migrating our code base to Helidon MP 3.2.1 and are noticing that our Kafka consumers are throwing this exception:

org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedVersionException: The broker does not support INIT_PRODUCER_ID

This seems to be related to a transitive dependency change for Kafka Clients. We are able to get around this issue by specifying enable.idempotence=false, for which the default seems to have been changed for that Kafka client.

Question: is this the right way to get passed this problem?


  • This is a known issue of new Kafka client with older versions of Kafka broker KIP-679 which enabled backward incompatible client feature by default. Workaround is explicitly disabling producer idempotence with enable.idempotence: false


    org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedVersionException: The broker does not support INIT_PRODUCER_ID


    enable.idempotence: false

    Messaging connector config example:

         enable.idempotence: false
         bootstrap.servers: ${oci.test-stream.endpoint}:${oci.test-stream.port}