
How to stop React Overlay from appearing on a specific error

I am trying to stop ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded error from showing up on my development enviornment of my react application.

enter image description here

The error is benign

How can I get React to stop showing this in my application when in development? It does not show up in production builds.

I have tried adding this code to the top-level of my application at index.tsx:

window.addEventListener('error', event => {

    if (event.message.includes('ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded')) {

The console.log(event.message) is being executed and the error name that it outputs is correct. But the react overlay error still appears.


  • If you are using webpack, you can configure it not to show overlay on this error. To do this you can add in field: "client", which is inside field "devServer", this config:

          overlay: {
        runtimeErrors: (error) => {
          if (error.message === "ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded") {
            return false;
          return true;

    Here's the docs about it: .