I'm facing some issues trying to get my body content in my monkey server. In fact, I don't really know how to access my data using fastcgi library functions.
I'm sending with Postman a PUT request on http://my.server.address:myport/cgi/something
with the following JSON content:
{ "hello" : "bonjour" }
On the server side
running on the main thread :
int32_t SWEB_traiter_requette_f(int32_t i32_socket_listen) {
FCGX_Request st_request;
(void)FCGX_InitRequest(&st_request, i32_socket_listen, 0);
if (FCGX_Accept_r(&st_request) == 0) {
ULOG_log_f(ULOG_PRIO_INFO, "accepting request");
traiter_requette_s_web_f(&st_request,FCGX_GetParam("REQUEST_URI", st_request.envp));
return 0;
And this is how I handle the request :
static void traiter_requette_s_web_f(FCGX_Request *pst_request,const char * pc_url) {
size_t z_len;
char_t *pc_data;
int i = 0;
int ch;
char_t *sz_content_len = FCGX_GetParam("CONTENT_LENGTH" , pst_request->envp);
char_t *sz_method = FCGX_GetParam("REQUEST_METHOD" , pst_request->envp);
char_t *sz_contenttype = FCGX_GetParam("CONTENT_TYPE" , pst_request->envp);
if (sz_contenttype != NULL){
/* first method ..... not working */
ch = FCGX_GetChar(pst_request->in);
while(ch != -1){
z_len = strtol(sz_content_len, NULL, 10);
pc_data = calloc(1,z_len+1);
if (pc_data == NULL){
ULOG_log_f(ULOG_PRIO_ERREUR, "Erreur d'allocation de psz_data");
pc_data[i-1] = (char_t) ch;
ch = FCGX_GetChar(pst_request->in);
if (ch == -1 )
pc_data=(char*)realloc(pc_data,(i + 1)*sizeof(char));
pc_data[i] = '\0';
printf("data !! : %s\n",pc_data);
/* second method .... not working */
z_len = strtol(sz_content_len, NULL, 10);
pc_data = calloc(1,z_len+1);
if (pc_data == NULL){
ULOG_log_f(ULOG_PRIO_ERREUR, "Erreur d'allocation de psz_data");
printf("data !! : %s\n",pc_data);
Maybe I'm doing something wrong with pc_data
and this is not how to access the body.
How can I access the body of my request?
I would like to add a more modern C++ version
std::string f_request_content;
size_t f_request_length = <from the env variable called CONTENT_LENGTH>;
if (f_request_method == "POST")
int ch = FCGX_GetChar (m_request.in);
while (ch != -1)
f_request_content.push_back ((char16_t) ch);
if (f_request_content.length() >= f_request_length)
ch = FCGX_GetChar (m_request.in);